A new era of CAI community: workshops and events for our members


The need for collaboration has never been more critical. As we tackle some of the world’s toughest challenges, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital content stands at the forefront. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce a new community hub for CAI members.

Our hub is more than just a meeting point. It's a vibrant ecosystem that brings together media and technology companies, non-profits, creatives, educators, and countless others united by a shared mission. Together, we’ll continue to champion the adoption of the open C2PA Content Credentials standard.

Through advocacy, education, and free open-source tools, we’re building a foundation of trust in digital content—ensuring that creators and consumers alike can be confident in the integrity of the media they create, share, and consume.

The CAI community hub is where ideas become action. It’s where you can connect with like-minded professionals, exchange insights, and drive the future of content transparency and trust. In working sessions, in-person, and virtual events, we’ll advance the movement for content authenticity together.

How to get started:

  • Create your account in the new CAI community hub to see and RSVP to virtual and in-person events, working sessions, and more. When creating your account, use the same email address you used when signing up as a CAI member. Reference your membership welcome email and contact us with any questions. Please note, you may be prompted to reset your password when creating an account.
  • Visit the hub to RSVP for events. 
  • Not a member yet? Join us!

The September line-up of members-only events


🗓️ Sep 12, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (ET)

The CAI’s free open-source tools provide a flexible and extensible way to implement Content Credentials across hardware and software services and products. Since we launched the tools in June 2021, we’ve seen implementation in cameras, platforms, and services meant to build a verifiable chain of authenticity for creators and consumers alike. Join us for a quarterly Open-source Office Hour to chat live with the CAI team and to connect with other implementers. Get updates, share feedback, and bring your questions!

This event is for implementers actively using CAI open-source tools. Submit your questions in advance for inclusion in the conversation and Q&A.


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🗓️ Sep 17, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (ET)

How should users experience Content Credentials online? If you’re in the process of building them into your UX, how do you make sure that your implementation suits your unique needs, while maintaining a universal user experience for expressing and viewing digital provenance? Join Pia Blumenthal, Co-Chair for User Experience at the C2PA and Design Lead at the CAI, for a working session for implementers and designers that dives into UX best practices, upcoming updates to the C2PA specification, and more. Bring your questions! Active and in-progress implementations are welcome.

What we’ll cover:

  • UX best practices that comply with the C2PA spec
  • Content Credentials in the wild, showcasing implementer examples
  • Q&A and feedback session

We’ll have limited capacity for this CAI members-only working session. Apply here to join. If you are approved to join this event, you agree to keep statements, feedback, and content shared in this working session confidential.


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🗓️ Sep 18, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (ET)

How are generative technology being used with malicious intent today, and what are the consequences? Join AI and media experts for a panel conversation on emerging mis- and disinformation threats, and how organizations and policymakers are mitigating harmful impacts on society.

What we’ll cover:

  • How AI generated content is being weaponized to fuel disinformation operations and how it differs from more traditional forms of digital media manipulation.
  • Global case studies and examples of AI generated content being deployed both successfully and unsuccessfully.
  • What the future of AI-powered disinformation might look like and how this might change the nature of the threat landscape.
  • What technologies and strategies are being used to counter digital disinformation–their respective strengths and weaknesses.
  • Where responsibility lies for addressing the challenges posed by digital disinformation, including AI generated content.



🗓️ Sep 24

The CAI, in partnership with Leica, will host our first in-person community event in New York City! We’re bringing together community members in media, publishing, and creativity to gather for an evening of conversation, including a panel discussion on the state of trust in our digital ecosystem, demo previews of solutions implementing Content Credentials, and networking. Beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served. If you are a CAI member in the region and wish to attend this in-person event, please express your interest here.

Leica Camera AG is a German company that manufactures cameras, optical lenses, photographic lenses, binoculars, and rifle scopes. Leica has been a member of the CAI since 2022 and in October 2023 became the first camera company to implement Content Credentials in the M11-P camera with more integrations coming to market.


Create your account in the new CAI community hub to see and RSVP to programming. When creating your account, use the same email address you used when signing up as a CAI member. Please reference your membership welcome email and contact us with any questions.