The CAI welcomes Canon!

by Santiago Lyon, Head of Advocacy and Education, CAI 


We are delighted to welcome Canon, one of the world’s leading camera manufacturers, as a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) joining more than 890 media and tech companies, NGOs, and academics working together to fight misinformation by furthering the implementation of open-source digital provenance technology.  

Founded in 1937, Canon is a leading global manufacturer of both professional and consumer cameras and lenses and brings a long history of innovative and ground-breaking photojournalism projects to the CAI. Canon’s equipment is widely used by photojournalists and others to capture impactful, compelling and beautiful imagery from around the world. Their equipment has been used to capture award-winning images in recent years including Pulitzer Prizes and World Press Photo awards, among many others. 

“Canon enthusiastically supports efforts to fight misinformation by ensuring the authenticity and provenance of digital images that are created and enjoyed by society. Joining the efforts of the CAI is an important step in this endeavor,” said Go Tokura, Chief Executive of Imaging Communication Business Operations at Canon. “We are looking forward to working with other technology companies and media partners to develop technology solutions that achieve these goals." 

Provenance technology provides secure, tamper-evident metadata that accompanies images and other file types along their journey from capture through editing to publication, showing the viewer where an asset came from, and any changes made to it along the way. The CAI looks forward to working with Canon on prototyping and implementing provenance technology into their future products. 

Today, Canon also joins the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) as its latest member that will provide creators, consumers, and others with opt-in, flexible ways to understand the authenticity and provenance across media types. 

We encourage diverse organizations and individuals to join the Content Authenticity Initiative to advance our efforts for digital provenance. You can find more information here